Inserting a predefined frameset

Predefined framesets make it easy for you to select the type of frameset you want to create.

The predefined frameset icons in the Frames panel of the Objects palette provide a visual representation of each frameset as applied to a selected document.

The selected frameset surrounds the current document—the document in which the insertion point is located. The blue area of a predefined frameset icon represents the currently selected page or frame in a document, and the white area represents the new frame or frames.

To insert a predefined frameset:

1 Place the insertion point in the document the frameset will surround.
2 Then do one of the following:
In the Frames panel on the Objects palette, select a predefined frameset. To insert the frameset, you can click an icon or drag an icon directly to the document.
To select a predefined frameset, choose Insert > Frames > Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Left_Top, Left Top, Top Left, Split.